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“I am full of gratitude and humbled by the opportunity to create positive change. I thank God and everyone who helped me manifest and fulfill these blessings that are still creating circles of change that are forever growing. I am of course continuing and will continue to lead positive change in Israel and worldwide”

I always believed in initiating and doing, and not speaking about it, because the work was what was important to me. But today, when I look back, I’m surprised that not everybody knows about it. But why should they? I never shared.
Today it’s important to me to share my groundbreaking work and the influence it had in diverse fields in Israeli society and around the world.

Through the Ted Arison Family Foundation, we donate to help change society in diverse areas. One example from many is the Ted Arison Medical Tower which changed the standard of hospitalization in Israel. I founded Matan, the Israeli United Way, in order to encourage corporate giving, something that was almost non-existent at the time and changed the culture of giving in Israel.

I led the idea of Financial Freedom in banking, which in turn created financial education for the community at large, and sustainability in building and infrastructure which led to high standards of green building. Through Essence of Life, we raised consciousness and are giving tools for inner peace with my belief that in order to reach peace in the world we need to reach peace within ourselves and our surroundings. We developed over many years The Doing Good Model which gives tools to implement values in business and organizations in Israel and worldwide. I started Good Deeds Day, a day which brings millions of people together to volunteer and do good in 115 countries around the world, and founded Goodnet, a social network for spreading the good.

I am full of gratitude and humbled by the opportunity to create positive change. I thank God and everyone who helped me manifest and fulfill these blessings that are still creating circles of change that are forever growing. I am of course continuing and will continue to lead positive change in Israel and worldwide 🙏